Lake formation

AWS Lake Formation: Accelerating Data Lake Adoption

Thomas Spicer
Published in
5 min readJun 16, 2020


If you read about data lakes, you will often come across a post, guide, documentation, or tweet that will describe setting up a data lake as creating an AWS S3 bucket, some paths, and then dropping files in. Voilà, you have a data lake! Not really.

Part of the challenge is various definitions that describe “what is a data lake?” which can create confusion on best practices and productive outcomes. We detailed several numerous misconceptions and myths about data lakes.

In this post, we are focused on the AWS cloud, though many concepts will transcend an AWS deployment to GCP or Azure.

AWS Lake Formation

Does a data lake have to be complex to set up? No! However, with an automated data lake formation process employed by AWS, GCP, and Azure, you can get up and running more quickly.

To establish a base pattern for a lake, drive consistency, and velocity, AWS established a formalized lake formation process. If you are a GCP or Azure customer, both have similar concepts for lake formation (though the process & tools vary).

Amazon says its lake formation is “a service that allows you to build a secure data lake in days.” In reality, a shell of the AWS lake may only take a few hours to complete.

The power of the AWS Lake formation service is that it organizes a diverse collection of disconnected AWS services it an orchestrated configuration service.

As a result, AWS lake formation is primarily focused on the orchestration of underlying AWS services into a cohesive interface and API. This provides teams with a foundational view of what may be needed for an AWS data lake.

Why did AWS go down this path? Typically, the setup of your AWS data lake will involve IAM, S3, SNS, SQS, Glue, and a host of other AWS services. In the past, you had to set up these services individually.

If you were an AWS DevOps person, after some trial and error, you likely had most of this automated via Terraform or Ansible. However, like most AWS services, Amazon decided to wrap a user interface to orchestrate its services to increase the time to value.

One important note is that while Amazon will preconfigure its services, it does not mean you have a productive data lake.

A productive data lake requires an active data ingestion pipeline or pipelines AND consumers of the contents of the lake. More on this later.

AWS lake formation templates

The AWS data lake formation architecture executes a collection of templates that pre-select an array of AWS services, stitches them together quickly, saving you the hassle of doing each separately.

An AWS lake formation blueprint takes the guesswork out of how to set up a lake within AWS that is self-documenting. While these are preconfigured templates created by AWS, you can undoubtedly modify them for your purposes. These may act as starting points for refinement.

AWS lake formation pricing

For AWS lake formation pricing, there is technically no charge to run the process. However, you are charged for all the associated AWS services the formation script initializes and starts.

AWS lake formation gaps

Data ingestion to a data lake is an essential consideration for the lake formation process. This includes any data pipeline work needed for loading data from various sources for the curation of data, partitioning, optimizations, alerts, and authorizations.

The standard AWS process does not handle any of the data ingestion aspects of your data lake.

Openbridge Data Lake service

If AWS Lake formation is a collection of ingredients, the Openbridge Data Lake service is the cake.

Our service offers a centralized data catalog that not only describes available data sets; it actively manages changes and relationships for ingested data. This creates an “analytics ready” environment allowing teams to employ their choice of analytics, ETL, visualization, and machine learning services.

The Openbridge service will store, catalog, and clean your data faster for your Amazon S3 data lake. Here are just a few of the critical features of the service;

  • Automatic partitioning of data — This allows you to optimize the amount of data scanned by each query, thus improving performance and reducing the cost for data stored in s3 as you run queries.
  • Automatic conversion to Apache Parquet — Converts data into an efficient and optimized open-source columnar format, Apache Parquet, for use within Azure Data Lake, AWS Athena, or Redshift Spectrum. This lowers costs when you execute queries as the Parquet files are highly optimized for interactive query services like Athena and Spectrum.
  • Automatic data compression — With data in Apache Parquet, compression is performed column by column using Snappy, which means not only supports query optimizations, it reduces the size of the data stored in your Amazon S3 bucket or Azure storage system, which reduces costs.
  • Automated data catalog and metadata — Ingested data curated, analyzed, and the system “trained” to infer schemas to automate the creation of the database and tables for data that is pushed into the data lake.
  • No servers to provision, deploy, or manage!
  • No coding required — Using the Openbridge interface, users can create and configure a data lake. This system is then used as a destination for loading data from different data sources.
  • Cleaning — built-in processes to deduplicate to increase data quality.
  • Code-free data pipelines — SFTP, AWS Kinesis, and many other supported data sources.

Get Started

If you are looking to build a data lake with Azure Data Lake, Amazon Athena, or Redshift Spectrum, the Openbridge lake formation can get you up and running in a few minutes.

It has never been easier to take advantage of a data lake with a serverless query service like Azure Data Lake Storage, Amazon Athena, and Redshift Spectrum. Our service optimizes and automates the configuration, processing, and loading of data to AWS Athena and Redshift Spectrum, unlocking how users can return query results.

With our zero administration, data lake service, you push data from supported data sources, and our service automatically loads it into your data lake for AWS Athena and Redshift Spectrum to query.


